Last Updated: Oct 31, 2019 10:00AM • Subscribe via RSS • ATOM
Oct 31, 2019 10:00AM
Have you ever felt a euphoric high when your skin touches the sun after just a few days of gray, rainy weather?
In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive derivative of the hemp plant, has become the rock star of the holistic wellness world due to its heralded health benefits.
Our services are provided to people touched by all cancers at any stage of the disease, from newly diagnosed through survivorship.
When water is remediated with a traditional water softener, the hard water minerals (calcium and magnesium) are replaced with sodium from the salt.
One of the newest services that has been added to the many holistic treatments available at Associated Chiropractic and Konnections Massage is Red Light Therapy.
The flu season is coming. Every year, we fight against seasonal illnesses. Cold and flu symptoms, such as fever, headache, sore throat and fatigue could be the undesired consequences of our winter days.
Are you plagued by blackheads, blocked pores, acne, or dry skin? There is no longer a need for you to book four separate facials.
Being on the receiving end of a life-threatening medical diagnosis can be scary, perhaps even terrifying.
You start your three-and-a-half-hour spa day with our pumpkin spice full body scrub. Your skin will feel rejuvenated as you are massaged with the scrub.
When sleep apnea was first recognized in 1965, it was thought to be simply a short cessation of breathing during sleep and the main treatment was a tracheostomy which tried to remedy airway obstructions.
Natural Awakenings Magazine Greater Lehigh Valley and Far West NJ