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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Fibromyalgia From Exasperation to Hope

Jun 27, 2012 07:05PM ● By Dr. Carol Peterson D.C. of the Neurologic Relief Centers

As many as 18 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia, a little-understood disorder that causes chronic, widespread pain and hypersensitivity to pressure.  Its effects also go far beyond pain to symptoms including fatigue, sleeplessness, difficulty in concentration, bowel and bladder problems and many others. For many, fibromyalgia syndrome can be debilitating. Researchers estimate that  fibromyalgia affects up to 6 percent of the population, with nine out of ten sufferers being women.

The name fibromyalgia comes from the Latin and Greek root word fibro (fibrous tissues), myo (muscle) and algos (pain) – meaning muscle and connective tissue pain. The name is a misnomer. Originally it described what was thought to be fibrous deposits in the muscles that caused pain. While it’s true that some patients have muscle spasms so severe that they become fibrous, this has nothing to do with the cause of fibromyalgia.

In the past, fibromyalgia patients were often called hypochondriacs. Many times they were referred to psychiatrists, and it was not uncommon for sufferers to be institutionalized.

Only recently has fibromyalgia disorder gained recognition as a condition that deserves attention. In general, patients are receiving more respect today and are believed when they say they have a problem. But they still may be looked upon as drug addicts, or presumed to have a self-serving motive, when all they really need is someone to believe them and get them help.

Medical practitioners don’t know the cause of fibromyalgia, and while there has been an increasing amount of research over the past 30 years, there has been little agreement on what fibromyalgia is and what to do about it. Aside from pressure tests – which themselves are disputed, there are no generally accepted, objective tests for fibromyalgia. In the end, most patients are diagnosed based on differentials – that is, a doctor reviews the history of symptoms and rules out better-known possibilities before determining that “fibromyalgia” is the best description.

Many doctors, in fact, question the existence of fibromyalgia as a distinct clinical entity. The failure of the medical profession to agree on the cause, treatment, or even existence of fibromyalgia has made it difficult for those suffering from the painful and debilitating symptoms to find answers.

Since the cause is unknown, there is no generally accepted treatment for fibromyalgia itself. Instead doctors focus on relieving the symptoms, through various medications, therapies and lifestyle changes. 

The Neurological Relief Centers takes a broader view of fibromyalgia, it believes fibromyalgia and other conditions are actually caused by compression of the meninges – the three-layered membranes that protect the central nervous system. Our team has created has created a technique and procedure for nuerological disorders, including fibromyalgia symptoms. A simple, 15 minute initial test can determine whether a complete treatment procedure will be effective for the patient who is suffering with chronic pain, fatigue, numbness, tingling, migraines and burning as well as symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, Lupus, multiple sclerosis, TMJ, autism, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuralgia, vertigo or Parkinson’s disease.

The relief that comes from the testing is usually profound and lasts from minutes to days. The test is not only diagnostic but prognostic. Those whose symptoms are relieved by the test will almost always respond to the treatment protocol.  Clients that have undergone the full treatment protocol have overcome years of symptoms and misdiagnosis and returned to full and active lifestyles.

For more information and actual patient testimonials visit To schedule a no obligation 15-minute relief test call Peterson Chiropractic of Bethlehem at 610-997-3992. 

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