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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Welcome to Our October Issue

Reid Boyer

Every month as we approach our print date, I feel confident in this mantra: “This will be our best issue ever.” We are devoted to bringing you a balance of substantial editorial content on topics related to natural healthy living. Our national editorial team based in Naples, Florida, wisely researches current information, the latest studies and leading national voices on subjects that would be a challenge for us to develop locally.

The larger team’s collaboration and support allows me to focus the local team’s time and resources on developing solid local content. This way, our expert neighbors have the opportunity to inform us of the excellent know-how available right here in our own backyard. I love the mix of cuttingedge national information blended with what’s up on Main Street. Typically, each month’s editorial blend springs from a themed topic which distinguishes the issue, encourages continuity and makes it a creative work of art for us.

Our feature article focuses on Change Makers; people from all over our country that are inspired to act to make the world a better place. Their stories are inspirational and stand in stark contrast to the stories we typically hear about in the news. They truly touch other lives in a positive way that makes those affected want to do good things themselves in return. Years ago, I read about this human phenomenon as a metaphor for weaving the fabric of humanity. One person passes positivity to the next and they in turn pass it on to another, and so like a thread, goodness is passed on and on and through our existence. With so many positive things in my life, I want to perpetuate that fabric.

Another theme in this issue is a good look at Chiropractic Care. I recall studying several stories of Jesus healing people by the laying on of hands and being quite sure that he knew the relationship of spinal health and disease. I have benefited from chiropractic care and have heard many stories of people finding relief and healing from a visit to a chiropractor. Increasingly, chiropractors are becoming natural primary care practitioners for people that want to a conservative, drug-free and cost-effective method of preventative care. I hope our chiropractic section will expand the use of chiropractic care by our readers. The absence of side-effects alone makes chiropractic care a big part of the solution to our out-of-control health care costs.

I am always excited for the October edition because we typically have an environmental theme, and this year is no exception. I get very enthused about new technology that can eliminate the use of chemicals and the subsequent deposition of those chemicals into our environment. When I see the development of biodegradable water bottles, eco-friendly incandescent lights and reduced emissions from school buses, I feel confident that humanity is starting to understand that there are better ways to make things that does not affect our health or cause longterm damage to out planet.

When I read about the success of ecopreneurs and the small businesses they are running, I cannot help but think that this evolution has the potential to solve not only environmental problems, but social justice issues at the same time. It is an exciting time for anyone that wants to make a living from building the better mouse trap. It can be profitable to develop businesses based on the sustainability of our planet. That is good news for all of us.

Enjoy the diversity of this issue and our best for a great fall season.

Reid Boyer, Publisher