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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Welcome to Our February Issue

Reid Boyer

Lao Tzu once said, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Loving and being loved are so vital to our health and happiness that we can’t live well without them. Love is the core motivation for every positive action we undertake, and gratitude for love brings even more love. Thank you for joining us this February as we show our love more fully for people and the planet.

Emily Esfahani Smith gives us some insight into successful relationships on page 26. She writes about the primary traits of kindness and generosity and how they translate into meaningful support for a partner’s emotional needs. Relationship expert Alison Armstrong shares her personal lifelong pursuit of transformative ways that women can relate to men on page 30. Local holistic psychiatrist, Dr. Regina Bogle offers some sage advice for empaths on page 44. By promoting peace in every kind of relationship we can all enjoy the benefits of loving relationships.

A related focus in the natural living community is the concept of self-care; loving yourself enough to consciously nurture your health and take responsibility for your own well-being. Our pages are always filled with ways to eat better foods that the body readily assimilates; move the body in ways that avoid injury and maximize results and; and find healthcare professionals that place healing as the top priority for their clients.

Where is our love for Mother Earth, a love that supports her in sustaining this and future generations? If you love your kids and grandkids, it’s imperative that we acquaint ourself with the clear and present dangers of our chemical-laden society. Those toxins do not simply dissipate into the air or go to some isolated place never to be heard from again. No, they come back to us in the air we breathe, in our water and in our food supply. They become part of us, and because they are foreign to the body, can cause serious health concerns. If a natural alternative exists, we would be foolish not to choose it. Fortunately, in America, we can always vote with our wallets by purchasing from producers and businesses that have our best interest at heart.

We are pleased to include our Community Spotlight on Sylvia Seward as she celebrates her 10th anniversary of the Radiant Light Holistic and Metaphysical Expo in Reading. Sylvia has been a supporter of Natural Awakenings Magazine here in the Lehigh Valley since we started in 2007. Her Expo has been a great way for many healers to connect with the people that value services. We wish Sylvia many more years of bringing light into the community.

A more courageous expression of love for all has never been more needed. Add your voice for a healthy, love-filled home and community.

Reid Boyer, Publisher