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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Sleep for Newborns Makes Sense for All

Ask just about any new parent what’s on their mind, and you’re likely to hear the same answer over and over again: sleep. Parents of newborns may joke about sleep deprivation being a “rite of passage,” but the fact is that many families suffer sleepless nights for months and the toll it takes on the child and the parents is no laughing matter.

Moms whose babies keep them up at night are more likely to suffer from post-partum depression, and they’re three times more likely to be carrying an extra 11 pounds by baby’s first birthday, according to recently published research. Dads suffer, too, as the ongoing stress leads to a disconnect between the parents and can impact both parents’ performance at work. Plus, studies have recently linked sleep problems in children to a number of behavioral problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Through one-on-one sessions and group seminars, Angela Knappenberger helps parents develop a customized sleep plan that addresses their family’s specific challenges, using techniques and strategies from The Sleep Sense Program developed by world-renowned sleep expert Dana Obleman. With her help, parents can learn to stop arguing about how to deal with their tired baby or toddler, develop a plan they can implement together and regain their connection as a couple and a family.

For more information, call 610-392-5922 or visit