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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Preparing for an Intuitive Reading at the One Spirit Festival

Aug 29, 2017 06:42PM ● By Christina Lynn Whited

Is my future fixed? I’m at a crossroads – where do I go from here? Where is the best place for me to live? Will I have children? Is this relationship the right one for me?

These are just some of the questions that people bring to the table for a reading at the One Spirit Festival, taking place September 23 and 24 at the Clinton Community Center, in Clinton, New Jersey.

How do individuals prepare for a reading? It’s best to bring a focus for inquiries— or even specific questions—for an efficient reading. It’s important to know that no matter a person’s concerns, recognize that we have free will and the guidance that is given through the reader is ours to keep or discard as we wish. No one will tell us what we must do; the readers are there to help people understand their options and the best path forward through information received from Spirit.

Because we have free will, the future is not fixed; we have options. Sometimes new information relating to an area of our life we have neglected will come through, other times only the prepared questions are answered. Use the appointment time wisely: if you have a strong feeling about something you should be doing, trust yourself. Asking for confirmation of the known is a poor use of time. Instead, ask if there is anything else about the issue or concern that you should know. Opportunity may be knocking, but we sometimes do not believe we are hearing it correctly. Take the leap of faith and ask what’s next.

Always make sure that any choice you make feels good in your gut, your solar plexus. The solar plexus is the largest chakra, or energy center, on the body. In recent years it has come to be known as the second brain because of the presence of some 100 million neurons. If a choice or connection is not in your highest good, you will probably feel queasy. If it’s right, you’ll feel happy.

Through the miracle of technology, we are able to book specific fifteen minute appointments online via our website,, and each individual Reader’s page, with a little help from PayPal.

One Spirit Festival is held at the Clinton Community Center, 63 Halstead Street, Clinton, NJ. For information including vendor space, contact Christina Lynn Whited at 908-638-9066 or [email protected]