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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Welcome to Our April Issue

Reid Boyer, Publisher

When I first saw the proud eagle photo from local award-winning photographer Tina Tyson on page 13, I was captivated by the irony of our national symbol looking down from above at his environment. I wondered what was in this magnificent creature’s view? Did he see a thriving forest with many native plants and wild species flourishing in a natural paradise, or did he see the degradation of stressed forests and the encroachment of man, with fracking water retention ponds, power plants belching carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the sky or an endless stream of automobiles heading towards him?

Energy independence for our country is a worthy goal, as many of us can remember a time when our nation was held captive by foreign oil producers. How we achieve that independence will define our generation. The technology for solar, geothermal and wind, as well as electric cars, is on the cusp of becoming a reality, yet our current national thrust is a shortsighted and environmentally devastating plan based on still more fossil fuels. More offshore drilling, more fracking, more pipelines, bigger cars with poorer fuel economy and zero regard for other species seems to be our legacy to future generations.

Earth Day 2018, on April 22, gives us a chance to come together and correct our present course. Intelligent people can make wise decisions each day to use less, reuse more and recycle as much as possible. We must start with ourselves by making better personal consumption choices and encouraging those that get it right. We can also demand leadership that protects our environment and our right to pure water and clean air. We can vote at the polls and with our dollars to disassociate from the consumerism that may leave us with only memories of wild places and thriving ecosystems.

Reid Boyer, Publisher