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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Publishers Letter


If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank you,’ that would suffice. ~ Eckhart Tolle


This month Americans across this blessed country celebrate Thanksgiving—my favorite holiday of the year. Free of religious, political, ethnic and cultural boundaries, unmarred by unrealistic expectations and untainted by commercialism, Thanksgiving is a special time reserved for people to gather and honor all that is good. It’s simply and purely about giving thanks.

I believe that a spirit of gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions human beings can feel. It has the ability to instantly lift us up; when practiced regularly, it has the power to transform one’s life from the pits of despair to utter bliss. I know that when I encounter tough times it helps me to mentally acknowledge my blessings. One of the most important things I can teach my son is to understand and quietly practice gratitude. Audibly saying “Thank you” shares these good feelings with others.

In this month’s Inspiration essay, “Grounded in Gratitude,” author Frank Jude Boccio reminds us that “in counting our daily blessings, we find that even uneventful or difficult days possess precious gifts.” When I began working with my wonderful coach, Pana Columbus, we started by acknowledging gratitude as the key to happiness and prosperity. By holding myself accountable to remember blessings each day, my thoughts focus on the good news and more positive things occur in my life.  

We are blessed to have a bounty of local submissions this month: Dr. Jon Tompkins explains how he helps children with ADD/ADHD naturally, Registered Nurse Kathleen DeVaul explores the benefits of working with a health coach, Master Herbalist David Winston discusses how herbs support our immune system, Dr. Michael Taras introduces the cutting edge use of ozone for improved dental heath. November’s spotlight focuses on the women’s health practice of Dr. Robert Echenberg and Alexandra Milspaw. Our community of readers is fortunate to have these experts here to inform and help us live healthier and happier lives. So thank you.

And thank you always, our readers, for being with us month after month. I am truly grateful for you all. With glad wishes for a healthy and joyous holiday season,

Reid Boyer, Publisher