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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Publishers Letter

Jan 01, 2013 02:03PM ● By Reid Boyer


While driving across the Lehigh Valley recently in my relentless pursuit of good locations to connect with readers, I was listening to a radio show by renowned American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, Ph.D. His guest was discussing how human brains first evolved to respond to immediate events rather than conceive longer-term strategies. Only in the past “several thousands of years” have humans had to learn to think strategically due to the needs of agricultural planning and living in more complex communities.

The idea struck me as being all too true in my own life. Why do I perform best when deadlines are bearing down? Why is it so tough to balance my workflow and play schedule? Is my dream of an even-keeled existence attainable?

It occurs to me that skilled planning and discipline exercised in daily activities leads to higher levels of success in all things, as well as the life balance we all desire. I’m glad to affirm that developing an aptitude for strategic thought patterns is possible when it is nurtured. I’ve come to better understand a lesson of the Zen proverb: Chop wood, carry water. Keeping our mind focused in the moment helps us realize our intentions.

Our January Healing Ways article, “Meditation Made Easy,” on page 36, shares helpful perspectives by local meditation teachers as they discuss the methods they use to help students quiet their minds. Meditation is surely a huge key to developing strategic thinking power. 

On page 32, we also offer some surprisingly simple “Healthy Lifestyle Tweaks” in our feature article plus insights for “Sustainable Weight Loss” on page 40, all of which are designed to help readers discover easy-to-make lifestyle adjustments that work for them. As always, our monthly calendars and guides are filled with local resources offering readers plenty of options and aids for meeting their life goals.

It’s undeniable that more people across the United States are exploring alternative options to support the health of themselves, their families and the planet.  Natural Awakenings is helping to lead the way, publishing in 85 communities, and counting. “The friend that’s into natural health” isn’t such a rarity anymore.

I continue to appreciate the many opportunities for personal growth and learning presented by amazing people in our community and rejoice that life has taught me both to own where I’ve been and embrace where I’m going.

May all your new year’s resolutions happen easily, Reid Boyer, Publisher

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