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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Publisher's letter


This month’s issue focuses on the dual themes of Cancer-Free Living and Healthy Families, which in my view go hand in hand. When we focus on making sure our family is doing the right things to stay healthy, we not only reduce the risk of cancer but are more resilient and prepared to handle all health issues that arise. 

It is vital to have a healthy mind and spirit in place when involved in battling disease, whether for our self or a loved one. Each year, more than 572,000 Americans die of cancer; about one-third of these deaths are linked to diet, physical inactivity and carrying too much weight. I continually aim to take these factors off the table as I aspire to maintain my best health and age gracefully. According to, other than quitting smoking, which is a biggie, here are three key things we can do to reduce the risk of cancer.

Achieve and maintain a healthy weight throughout life.

Stay physically active.

Choose healthy foods with a steady emphasis on plant-based foods.

In Linda Sechrist’s feature article, “Rethinking Cancer,” pioneering experts explain and illustrate that much more can be done naturally to successfully prevent and heal cancer using a holistic approach. Proven mind-body-spirit approaches give us good hope. 

Our hope is that this issue will give you fresh insights in how to keep your family healthy and happy for many years to come. I invite you to turn the page and read on…

To life, Reid Boyer, Publisher