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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is a hypnotic technique in which a person imagines experiential memories from other lifetimes. This is done to bring about healing, change, or to understand repeating patterns in life. The past life regression is a worthwhile pursuit because you can get a better understanding of yourself and tap into talents, values, and inner knowing. Getting in touch with one’s true Self is a way of resolving unnecessary stress and getting on to what is important in living this life. This type of session allows for the soul to learn and grow by getting to experience love, self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and forgiveness of others. These issues are often at the center of what is needed by the individual. 

You may be asking yourself, does one have to believe in reincarnation for the process to be effective?  The answer to this question is no. Some say that the past life regression experience is a self-generated fantasy based on something a person read, heard, or saw. It is still amazing that certain details can be fact-checked on some past life regressions and found to be very accurate. The famous Edgar Cayce utilized a trance state and past life regression and life progression to help heal many people. Dr. Brian Weiss has written many books on the topic which you may want to explore.

Consultations are free. Past Life Regression sessions are offered for individuals or group sessions. 

Kind Regards,

Vanessa Perez Weiss, BCH, FNP, NP-C


Stream Hypnosis, LLC

535 E. Laurel St
Bethlehem, PA 18018


[email protected]