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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Free Structural Integration Evaluations

Twin Ponds Integrative Health Center, in Breinigsville, is giving free Healthy Posture evaluation and Structural Integration consultations on February 16, with Andrei Kazlouski to learn how Dr. Ida Rolf's bodywork method can be the key to restoring healthy posture and resolving the root causes of pain, discomfort, trauma, illness, repetitive motion injury and aging.

Over the course of life, our bodies form strain patterns, acting as a storage system for accumulated physical and emotional events. Habitual inefficient movement in daily activities, athletic pursuits and injury can all leave an imprint in your bodily structure. These imprints dwell in the connective tissue network (fascia, tendons, ligaments) whose function is to support and connect the components of your body and give the body its shape. Sixty years ago, Ida Rolf, Ph.D. developed a hands-on system that aimed at restructuring fascia through deep manipulation so that the joints could move through their full range of motion again, and the muscles are set free. Ida Rolf’s work offered a new understanding of whole-body patterns and provided movement education as part of the comprehensive treatment.

Call 484-695-8265 for an individual appointment time between 7:30-9 p.m. Twin Ponds Center is located at 628 Twin Ponds Rd, Breinigsville. See ad page 23.

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