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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Natal Charts Help Find Love, Romance and Marriage

Astrologer Trudy Carol will talk about how planets and transits influence us in the search for romance, love and marriage from 7 to 9 p.m., February 13, at The Loving Piece, in Easton. There will be a lecture and personal interactions. Carol has worked in astrology for 35 years, sharing wealth of counseling and intuitive experiences.

A natal chart is a diagram of the relative positions of planets and signs of the zodiac at a specific time of one's birth in inferring individual character and personality traits and understanding events of a person's life.

Carol will explore the potentials within a natal chart which is specific to every individual based on their birth date, birth time and place. A group Q&A session will follow and a personalized chart with rising moon signs is included.

Cost is $35 in advance by February 11. Include birthdate, city and state, and the exact time of birth when reserving. Location: 7 N. Third St., Easton. To register, call 484-206-8140.

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