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Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Unique Research

This article shows that there is a  simple  and cheap relief for CFS/FM symptoms.  (CFS/FM patients side effects consisted of tachycardia, fatigue, insomnia and body aches/ pains).

The National Fibromyalgia Association founder Karen Lee Richards found a small Italian study with three FM patients reported decreases in fatigue and reductions in pain after taking high-dose of Thiamine (vitamin B-1). Karen contacted the Italian scientist and followed up by using herself (25 year sufferer of Fibromyalgia) as a personal trial. Within  several days, on high-dose of B-1 Karen said, “almost bounced from one activity to another and kept thinking I feel so good! What can I do next”. Pain reductions were modest in the beginning; but her energy level was better than it had been in ten years.

The Italian study used 600 mgs to 1500 mgs of non-toxic B-1 per day. The Doctors observed an “all or nothing” response, with no response being shown until the correct dose was found.

According to Mayo Clinic reports that B-1 Thiamine is generally considered safe and relatively non-toxic, even at high doses listed.

“Chronic Fatigue that accompanies inflammatory and auto-immune disease could be the clinical manifestation of a mild Thiamine deficiency, probably due to dysfunction of the intracellular transport enzyme of B-1and the patient responds favorably to high doses of Thiamine.” Et al. 2013

Two Italian practitioners noticed dramatic decreases in fatigue with other diagnosed cases of Ulcerative Colitis and other gastro intestinal disorders. Eg . Chron’s  disease. Another scientist, Simon Wessely reported similar benefits with the efficiencies of B-6 to P_5_P, B-1,  Benthothamine and B-2 Riboflavin. A   B Vitamin complex would be  in addition too B isolates.

A French study by J. B.  Eisinger concluded that B-1 dependent enzymes; abnormalities he found in Fibromyalgia were similar to a Thiamine deficiency syndrome disorder associated with alcoholism with Thiamine B-1 deficiency. Thiamine deficiency is also found in Alzheimer and Diabetics. We have found many human nerve related condition benefited with the addition of this science. E.g. stress induced tremors, senior adult tripping and the list goes on.

There is another connection to B-1 success and that is magnesium supplementation. Since Magnesium binds Thiamine to thiamine molecules using enzymes, low magnesium levels causes low binding enzymes; now we experience impaired Thiamine activation. Eisinger concluded the reduced magnesium levels found in FM patients suggested Thiamine deficiency was present.

Italian researchers said malabsorption is possible, but normal blood B-1 levels suggests the B-1 is getting from the gut to the blood. However, that the B-1 transport from the blood to the energy factories  in the muscles is being interrupted by enzyme transfer problem.

The reports are preliminary and mostly anecdotal, but the Italian report and Kren Lee Richard’s experience suggest high-dose Thiamine supplementation could reduce the fatigue and pain in some ME/CFS/FM patients with few side effects reported. This low-cost approach is well worth trying with your nutritionist.

For more info: Jon Holznagel, PhD. Grace Computer Office Building. 1110 North West End Blvd, Quakertown, PA. 215-538-3480. See ad, page 34.

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